
International Journal of Police Science (IJPS) Call for Papers: Crises in Policing

The International Journal of Police Science (IJPS) is seeking articles for a special issue examining “Crises in Policing.” Policing is currently faced with an interactive set of crises.  These crises are often global in scope and have the potential to erode public trust and legitimacy of police and law enforcement agencies worldwide.  Individual crises include:


  • Police-Community relations, perceived/actual inequity, and erosion of public trust,
  • Police use of deadly force,
  • Police recruitment, hiring, and retention of qualified officers,
  • Police suicides, emotional trauma, and wellness,
  • Police response to the mentally ill and homeless,
  • Police response to active shooter and school violence,
  • Police corruption and misconduct,
  • Police response to riots, disorder, and public order incidents,
  • Police response to transnational organized crime and gangs,
  • Police radicalization and extremism (including police gangs).

These issues are not country specific.  Crises of policing are found in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Australia, and elsewhere. The erosion of public trust is amplified by political division and the rise of authoritarian regimes.  Extremism and radicalization occur within society and potentially among police ranks. The quality of police service suffers from the cumulative effect of these potentially interconnected threats.  Past efforts at building public trust and sustaining effective police are often forgotten and past ills continue and are at times exacerbated by contemporary conditions (including social media, networked political action, and extremism).  The special issue editors are seeking submissions from practitioners and academics on these topics.  IJPS serves a global audience and seeks case studies from throughout the world on these topics.  The cases can involve both contemporary descriptions of crises, model responses (such a police-mental health co-response), empirical studies using both quantitative and qualitative data, historical analyses of past episodes of police crises (such as during the civil rights movement), and potential policy and legal responses.


For details on submissions see the IJPS Submissions Page: https://ijps-journal.org/index.php/ijps/about/submissions for questions about potential scope of articles contact the Special Issue Editors via email.

Special Issue Editors

Dr. John P. Sullivan, Associate Editor, IJPS, Lieutenant (ret.), Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, globalwarning1@gmail.com

Dr. Nathan P. Jones, Associate Professor, Department of Security Studies, Sam Houston State University, nxj008@shsu.edu

Key Dates

Abstract submissions to special issue editors: June 1, 2024 (250-word maximum)

Draft submissions for double anonymized peer review: October 1, 2024

Projected Special Issue Publication, March 1, 2025