Editorial Process
Alt text:
Submit Manuscript: Authors register for an account and submit their manuscript through the IJPS website
Desk Review: Submission is reviewed to determine if it meets the journal’s requirements
- Accepted
- Declined
[If accepted…]
Peer Review: Submission sent to two or more independent peer reviewers
- Accepted with No Revisions
- Accepted with Minor Revisions
- Accepted with Major Revisions
- Declined but Invited to Resubmit
- Declined
[If accepted, after revisions…]
Copyediting: Submission is edited for substance and writing
Typesetting: Submission is formatted in an IJPS-style PDF file
Proofreading: Submission is reviewed by IJPS team and authors
Published: Submission is published online immediately
IJPS editing services:
IJPS offers editing services before publication. Using an academic editing service, you will have your manuscript reviewed by a native English speaker and the language polished before publication. Editing services take place after a manuscript has already been accepted for publication. We offer a range of services to help you get your publication ready for the public:
· Our full premium English language editing service to correct any grammatical issues and improve the readability of your manuscript.
· Unlimited re-editing at no additional charge as you move through the proofing stage to publication.
· Formatting to meet the journal's needs, including transforming references to the correct format.
Similarity Checker
· A free similarity review report to identify language that could be flagged as accidental plagiarism. This also allows us to ensure proper citation, including individual work(s).
Starting Price: $750