Join the Team
The IJPS aims to create a diverse team of volunteers who are dedicated to supporting an international community of policing, law enforcement, and security students, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. The journal is currently seeking editorial board members, associate editors, peer reviewers, copyeditors, and proofreaders to perform the duties described below. For more information about the journal, please see For more information about the editorial process, please see
If you are interested in working with the IJPS, please contact the managing editor at If you wish to serve as an associate editor or editorial board member, you may complete this survey and email it to the managing editor.
The IJPS Editorial Board consists of individuals—representing diverse geographies, experiences, demographics, and subject matter expertise—who share a common mission to facilitate open access scholarly works that support policing and security researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.
Editorial board members must agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.
- Qualifications:
- Education, training, and/or experience that would qualify one as an expert in police science, security studies, and/or different facets of scholarly journal management, including research methods, scholarly writing, academic editing, journal management, research ethics, and publication ethics.
- Commitment to honorably represent the IJPS.
- Availability (time, energy, and attention) to perform the duties described below.
- Board members will support the journal by performing the following duties:
- Advise the editor in chief and managing editor on matters related to the journal’s strategic direction and the journal’s compliance with high standards of publication ethics.
- Provide feedback on the journal’s website, workflow, policies, procedures, strategies, and communications.
- Serve as an ambassador of the journal by promoting the journal through professional networks, at conferences, etc.
- Encourage appropriate authors to submit their manuscripts to the journal.
- Recruit qualified peer reviewers.
- Help resolve conflicts between peer reviews.
- Perform peer reviews (only when identified as the best qualified reviewer).
- Write book reviews or editorials on contemporary topics of interest to the journal’s target audience (board members are currently prohibited from submitting research articles, review articles, rapid communications, or case studies).
- Editorial board members will be appointed by the editor in chief to serve a 3-year term, with the possibility of 1-year extensions. If a board member is not willing or able to complete their term, they will immediately notify the editor in chief or managing editor so a replacement can be identified. The editor in chief may end the appointment of a board member early due to actions or inactions by the member, including unprofessional conduct directed at or in the purview of authors, editors, or other board members; failure to respond to requests for assistance from the journal’s editors; or issues related to conflicts of interest.
- Conflicts of interest—whether real or perceived—jeopardize the integrity and reputation of the journal. Associate editors will disclose any potential conflicts of interest as soon as they are identified. A potential conflict of interest includes current or former familial, academic, financial, business, legal, political, religious, ethical, or other circumstances or relationships that could create a conflict between your personal interests and the interests of the journal. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include having a financial interest in the journal publishing certain material, or having split loyalty/split attention by serving as an editor or editorial board member for another journal.
An IJPS associate editor protects the journal’s integrity and reputation by ensuring all materials published by the journal meet exceptional research, writing, publication, and ethical standards.
Associate editors must agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.
- Qualifications:
- Education, training, and/or experience that would qualify one as an expert in multiple areas relevant to publishing a scholarly journal, including research methods, scholarly writing, academic editing, journal management, research ethics, and publication ethics.
- Willingness to take responsibility for editing decisions.
- Commitment to honorably represent the IJPS.
- Availability (time, energy, and attention) to perform the duties described below.
- Associate editors will support the journal by performing the following duties:
- Thoroughly review each submission after it has gone through peer review and revisions to:
- confirm all peer review editing requests have been adequately addressed
- confirm the submission complies with all IJPS author guidelines
- ensure the manuscript conforms with all relevant research and writing standards
- ensure there are no research ethics or publication ethics concerns
- provide the managing editor with a recommendation on whether to publish the submission
- Thoroughly review each submission after it has gone through peer review and revisions to:
- Carefully proofread each submission after it has been typeset, formatted, and approved by the author to ensure there are no remaining content, typographical, or formatting errors.
- Advise the editor in chief and managing editor on matters related to the journal’s strategic direction and the journal’s compliance with high standards of publication ethics.
- Provide feedback on the journal’s website, workflow, policies, procedures, strategies, and communications.
- Serve as an ambassador of the journal by promoting the journal through professional networks, at conferences, etc.
- Encourage appropriate authors to submit their manuscripts to the journal.
- Recruit qualified peer reviewers.
- Help resolve conflicts between peer reviews.
- Write book reviews or editorials on contemporary topics of interest to the journal’s target audience (associate editors are currently prohibited from submitting research articles, review articles, rapid communications, or case studies).
- Associate editors will be appointed to serve a 3-year term, with the possibility of 1-year extensions. If an associate editor is not willing or able to complete their term, they will immediately notify the editor in chief or managing editor so a replacement can be identified. The editor in chief may end the appointment of an associate editor early due to actions or inactions by the associate editor, including (but not limited to) inadequate qualifications; failure to adequately perform core duties; unprofessional conduct in the purview of authors, peer reviewers, other editors, or board members; or failure to report potential conflicts of interest.
- Conflicts of interest—whether real or perceived—jeopardize the integrity and reputation of the journal. Associate editors will disclose any potential conflicts of interest as soon as they are identified. A potential conflict of interest includes current or former familial, academic, financial, business, legal, political, religious, ethical, or other circumstances or relationships that could create a conflict between your personal interests and the interests of the journal. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include having a financial interest in the journal publishing certain material, or having split loyalty/split attention by serving as an editor or editorial board member for another journal.
An IJPS peer reviewer reviews research articles, review articles, rapid communications, and case studies to ensure they address relevant subjects, describe appropriate and ethical research methods, appropriately convey research results, accurately represent contributions to the field, and conform to the journal’s writing standards. All peer reviews are double-anonymous. (Additional information about the peer review process is available on the Peer Review page at
Peer reviewers must agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.
- Qualifications:
- Education, training, and/or experience that would equip one to expertly assess a submission’s research methods, research ethics, scholarly writing, and contribution to the field of study.
- Willingness to take responsibility for review decisions.
- Availability (time, energy, and attention) to perform the duties described below.
- Peer reviewers will support the journal by performing the following duties:
- Respond to an invitation to review a submission within 2 weeks of receiving the invitation.
- Return a review within 3 weeks of receiving a copy of the submission.
- Complete a Peer Review Report for a submission by answering each question, providing the author with constructive feedback, and providing the managing editor with a recommendation on whether the submission should be published.
- Adhere to all ethical responsibilities, including but not limited to those defined in the peer review agreement (available on the About the Journal webpage at
- Conflicts of interest—whether real or perceived—jeopardize the integrity and reputation of the journal. Competing interests or conflicts of interest are situations that could create a conflict between a reviewer's personal interests and the journal’s interests or the objectivity of a review—including but not limited to current or former familial, academic, financial, business, legal, political, religious, ethical, or other circumstances or relationships. E.g., if a reviewer was asked to review an article that analyzed an incident their former employer was directly involved in, it would be a potential conflict of interest. If a peer reviewer discovers a potential conflict of interest, they must immediately notify the IJPS managing editor.
An IJPS copyeditor works with authors to refine their submissions to ensure they are properly constructed and include language that is clear, accurate, and appropriate for an international audience. Copyeditors also ensure submissions follow the journal’s writing standards and formatting requirements, and contain valid and properly formatted citations.
An IJPS proofreader helps identify formatting, language, spelling, punctuation, and other mistakes and inconsistencies, wherever they may be—on the website, in submissions before they are published, and in submissions that have already been published.
If you are interested in working with the IJPS as an editorial board member, associate editor, peer reviewer, copyeditor, or proofreader, please contact the managing editor at